Next Generation Identity & Access Management with Andrei & Dani
We all need (now, more than ever) simple and secure access to online resources or streamlined workflows, with seamless interoperability across digital ecosystems that is highly capable of knowing, securing, and serving our audience at any touchpoint.
Digital Identities assigned to customers, employees or things are the key enablers for digital business transformation. Efficient migration from legacy identity solution is the key difference!
Join Andrei Dumitru and Daniel Coman from IT Smart Systems in this webinar to discuss their way of innovation accelerating Modern IAM platforms. Whether you are an Identity and Access Management Professional or Identity/Digital Product Owner looking to understand more on Modern Digital Identity in general, or have a specific related use-case you would like to discuss, we welcome you. We will share with you:
1. Traditional or legacy deployments of IAM and their limitations, but also typical challenges in migration projects
2. Next Generation solution architecture based on Forgerock IAM and open standards like OAuth2 and OIDC
3. Readiness and performance considerations for cloud based workloads
Still struggle with IAM software that is siloed, inflexible and unable to scale beyond employees? But your organisation should already have a Digital Identity strategy that is ready for the Cloud! Join us to see the magic shortcuts to the new era.
Sign up here for this free 45 minutes webinar in April 29, starting 1.30 pm EET.
Multumim tuturor celor care au participat la acest webinar, in data de 29 aprilie 2020. Va punem la dispozitie mai jos inregistrarea:
This webinar was organised on April 29, 2020 by IT Smart Systems. -All rights reserved-
